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Corrected info.....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:14 pm
by Laura.G.
I happened to read a post from one Marty Wulstein made in 2005...Just want to add a correction...He had mentioned that Tedo Gismondi had passed away a number of years ago.....well Tedo[aka Mike] is my Dad & he is still alive & kicking at the ripe old age of 83 [he will be 84 in June] ....He lives in Goshen New York...he left the Bronx in 1973 [moved to Spring Valley NY]...he moved to Stony Point in 1978 where he lived until 3 years ago when he moved to Goshen to be closer to my sister [Michele] because of some issues with his health....So.....if anyone of the *older folks* here remembers my Dad just want to let you know he is still *with us*.....As a sidenote: Jack Tokar is my cousin [ once or twice removed] & Chickie [Rose] Bappert is my godmother.